19 March 2008


I post so rarely it hardly seems worth the effort to try to catch up on everything that's happened since the previous post . . . but let's do it anyway.

I'm in the middle of "Arabian Nights" and I'm liking it very much, though there are a couple of people in the cast I'm a bit leery of -- I'm not sure they're ever going to quite "get it", and that means spending a lot of time working with everyone else and getting the good ones to cover for the not-so-good ones, preferably without realizing it. Nothing is more irritating than realizing you're babysitting someone on stage and not getting any glory for all your hard work.

Lost another cat -- poor old Weaver, whose story I told in an early (and much better) post. He died on Valentine's Day. It was a good death, and an interesting one, and I'll talk about it next time, when I've had a little time to catch my breath and work through it all.

I've started my new position, and so far I like it a lot. The only thing I don't like is the way my new department is so damn friendly -- people say "hello" to me dozens of times a day, and it's getting on my nerves, frankly. It's the hell of Cubicle-Land -- no doors to use to get a little privacy and keep the world away.

Enough. I'm having far too much trouble writing today. It's just not worth the struggle . . .

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