09 July 2007

Ultraviolet violets

Stumbled across another interesting link -- interesting to me, that is; I won't guarantee anyone else will get as big a kick out of it as I do.

Some guy in Sweden decided to start taking pictures of various flower species using ultraviolet. His purpose is scientific, of course, but he admits there may be some artistic value to them as well. Ya think? Anyway, ultraviolet is what insects see when they're cruising for a blossom to eat, or sit on, or suck from. Take a look:


I like the ones that change dramatically, like lapsana communis :

(sorry, the link for lapsana won't show up -- I've tried to add it 3 times. Just find the name in the list you'll find on the page above.)

or fragaria viridis: <http://www.naturfotograf.com/UV_FRAG_VIR.html>

Fragaria link shows up, lapsana link doesn't. Hmmmm. I'm apparently going to have to go get a degree in computer programming in order to understand why these things happen . . .

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